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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Relactation Day 18

Alhamdulillah syukur Ya Allah...my milk has increased to 40ml (apprx 1.5oz?). I have been having 2 LDRs (Let Down Reflex) twice in one powerpumping session. 40ml..man that's a lot for me...


Starting from today, I will be having fixed pumping schedule InsyaAllah as I have applied for several days of leave for the purpose of relactating....Allah thank you for fulfilling my wishes.

LDR:  The letdown reflex, also called the milk ejection reflex, is set off by the hormone oxytocin. It stimulates the muscle cells in your breasts to squeeze out milk.
(referral: babycentre)'

Powerpumping: It's a one hour session of pumping, to replicate baby's nature way of feeding. If you are using single pump, need to pump 10 minutes on one breast, stop, change to the another breast and pump for another 10 minutes, stop and go back to the first breast and keep repeating the 10 minutes pumping session.


ctsueraya said...

cayalah puk..kagum..teruskan usaha
