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Thursday, May 15, 2008


The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Basz telah mengetag saye!!!!

7 facts about me!

1) Saya seorang yang sangat membosankan...hahaha it's true...really
2) Saya seorang yang pemalu lagi pendiam...errr bile kali pertame jumpe...bile dah kenal rapat, tuh len citer...kehkeh
3) Saya jarang bace paper pagi2...tapi tiap2 pagi..bile on komp..saye akan terus bukak wikipedia...saye sgt suke dgn facts!! indeed, ade kawan2 saye panggil saye wikipedia...errr awal2 rase insulted jugak..mcm die nk kate kite nerd!! hahaha padahal memang ponn!! tapi lame2 rase bangga pulak...i am a moving wikipedia...harhar
4) Walaupon saye blaja engineering..saye sangat sangat sangat sangat suke bace artikel history, sociology dan humanity...more than engineering related articles...harhar ade kawan saye kate saye patut stadi anthropology!!
5) I'll treat people nicely even if they hurt me..saye tak pandai tunjukkan perasaan sebenar :((
6) Saya tak pandai berterus terang...i am a coward when it comes to confessing...
7) Saya tak pandai menjahit..even baju yg terkoyak 2 cm pon...harhar
8) Saya orang Kelantan...harhar

errr lebih lak..sori sori

Taktau nk tag sape...err walaupon rules kate kene tag 7 orang...harhar sbb saye rase macam saye takleh nk pk nk tag sape (sbb choice byk sangat).. so saye tak tag sesape lah!!! relieved? :D


Unknown said...

yesssss!!! nasib baik tak kene tag :))

pasni nak panggil cik bawang camni la: Ratna Wiki-wiki! cam comel jer :D

Mak Su said...

pandai masak jugak kan.....

MakcikMuda said...

1. saye suke bace blog cik bawang.
2. saye suke makan cucur bawang.
3. saye x suke kupas bawang,nnt nanges.
4. saye selalu tertanye2,lau ade kek carrot,ade x kek bawang?
5. bawang goreng dlm paket adelah rase mcm keropok!
6. kantin sekolah saye x pandai buat kerepek bawang.
7. kalau bawang mengalami kepupusan,apakah impaknya terhadap dunia.

selesai tag '7 tentang bawang'.

sekian .

katak_78 said...

a'ah la makcik kipas..ratna wiki2...mcm beh plak nama nie..yo..yo..wiki2 hehehehe...


@makcik de' kipas-hahah rugi lak tak tag..aiskk..haha auwww kene gelak bunyi wiki wiki la pasneh

@maksu-hah takde lah maksu..tak lepas2 lagi ni..iskisk

@rynn cowbra- hahaha tergelak tergolek2 bace nih...trus mcm ade bau2 bawang terlekat kat baju

@katak_ayu-hahahha wikiwikiwikiwiki (gelak)

Intan and The Boys said...

hehehe..comel la!
kite pon tak pandai nak jahit baju. kita serupaaaaaaaa........

si G.E.D.I.K.S said...

helo cik adik..
wikipedia is not a real facts tau..
u must remember that..
wikipedia tu written by normal people like us je..
u can read wikipedia as long as u want but u cannot trust wikipedia 100% ( but sumtimes its contents are really TRUE!)-lecturer internet&politics aku yg ckp ngeh ngeh ngeh


@puterikurekure- hahahaha alamakkk kak intannnn..nk wat cemane ni? haha

@si gediks- haha yup tapi most of the facts are retrieved from strong sources...such as text books,researches, website asal etc..yup tapi mmg ade yg tak tepat n ade bias jugak...:D:D
